Thursday, June 2, 2016

May Reads and Reviews

Hello everyone! I haven't been on this blog much of late but I'm back to give my monthly update on what I have been reading. Indie Books!

Once Bitten
by Trina M. Lee

Rating: 4 Stars

A great start to a series! Action packed and full of drama, this story was an interesting take on paranormal creatures in a modern setting.

To purchase this title, find it on Amazon here.

Once Upon a Western Way
by Markie Madden

Rating: 3 Stars

A sweet fantasy story. I enjoyed the story itself but I felt like I could have related to the characters better if more time had been taken to flesh them out. I wasn't upset at Kelly's passing since I knew very little about her as an individual and saw very little interaction with her and her mother.
Overall, good story with a cliff hanger ending that had me looking for the sequel! 

To purchase this title, find it on Amazon here.

Celestia is Falling
by Morgan Kelley

Rating: 3 Stars

Though the story was a good one, there were some issues that kept me from truly enjoying it. The constant head hopping was distracting and had me backtracking to see whose head I was in. The pace was a bit slow for my taste but I think the real issue was that the same information was given to the reader over and over. The twist ending was good and it was nice to see the girl save the guy for once. Overall, okay story. 

To purchase this title, find it on Amazon here

by Ariel Marie

Rating: 4 Stars

A great vampire romance! Though riddled with editing issues, the story itself shines through and makes this a quite enjoyable read. It also sets up a magical world and dangerous situation for other forthcoming books in the series. Quick, sexy read that will have you reaching for the sequels.

To purchase this title, find it on Barnes & Noble here.

by Claudette Melanson

Rating: 4 Stars

A short, sweet story of destiny and sorrow and how love transverses all.

To purchase this title, find it on Amazon here.

I also read Cinder by Marissa Meyer and loved it. Can't wait to rad the sequels in that series. Hopefully this month I will have more time for some great indie reads. Later, guys!

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