November is coming fast and this will be my first year participating in NaNoWriMo! Exciting!
For those of you who have no idea what that is, here is a brief explanation. National Novel Writing Month is a way for authors to get motivated to write a novel. The goal is to write 50,000 words in thirty days. That sounds like a lot, doesn't it? It is a challenge but that is the point. Learning to discipline yourself. Getting motivated. Staying on task. Reaching daily goals. All while having fun!
You can make writing buddies, track your word count progress, ask questions or chat in forums, and so much more on the website. I had no idea how big this thing really was until I signed up for it. I remember seeing Twitter posts about it last year and hearing a few things here and there but now that I'm involved in it, I can't believe how huge this event is. Authors worldwide are chatting about it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media, asking advice, inspiring each other and prepping for a month of hell. Because make no mistake, it will be hell.
So why am I so excited? I am the type of person who is unable to keep a daily schedule since I had children. Usually highly organized, I have to sneak time for myself to write because in my world, it isn't a "real job" so it is always thrown on the back burner. Even after publishing five books this year, no one takes what I do seriously.
Well, that is about to change. This is my chance to put my foot down and set aside some daily writing time for myself that doesn't include me staying awake until the crack of dawn wearing myself out just to jot down notes on a story idea. Because this IS my job and more than that, it is my passion!
I am going to sit down and write a novel this month. Will it need serious editing when I'm done? Oh yes. Will the first draft make much sense? Probably not. Will I be pumping caffeine into my body the last few weeks to stay conscious long enough to finish? You better believe it.
Will I love every minute of it? Hell yes! I work best under pressure.
Participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Let's be writing buddies! Search my user name: authormariekrepps and let's keep each other going!
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