Monday, July 3, 2017

A Giveaway!

Hello my fellow readers. Today is a pretty exciting day for me for a few reasons.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July, and like every good American, I look forward to a day of relaxation while showing thanks for those that fought for our freedom as a country. Of course, most of that message has been lost over the years and fireworks and barbecues are the topic of the day now, but still, people need a reason to celebrate and make merry in trying times such as these.

Another reason I'm pretty stoked today is that I finally have 500 followers on Twitter! I have been on Twitter for seven years now, pumping out tweets about books, life, writing, and other random things. It simultaneously seems like forever and yet only yesterday that I first created an account there. I want to thank everyone who follows me there and reads my strange rants and book promos. It's been a blast so far!
Now for some really exciting news. The APC group on Facebook, better known as Author-Professional Co-op, will be doing monthly giveaways of indie books! This first month, one of my books will be featured along with books from five other amazing indie authors. This Book Bundle Giveaway is through Rafflecopter and requires NO purchasing or subscribing to newsletters. All you have to do to enter is Like the author's Facebook pages and follower them on Twitter. That's it! Pretty simple, huh?
I hope your week is fabulous and, as always, happy reading!

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